Monday 5 January 2015

New Year, New Blog..

Well Hello blog, it's been a while..

It's not like I don't think about you.. honestly! You're always on my mind.. I've been thinking about you alot recently and I've decided it's time I make more time for you in my life..

Yes, I'm going to give this blogging thing another go. It's not like I don't want to blog, when I finished uni things went on a mad whirlwind of hello bam career straight away, so the majority of my day and time is taken up. I read blogs every single day on my Bloglovin app on my phone and I watch my favourite YouTubers whenever they post and keep up with all the social media antics, it's just the actual me blogging part I haven't actually done, since, ages..

Blogging is such a huge interest of mine, from making it the topic of my final year final major project and my dissertation to now like I said, reading blogs every single day, so it seems silly I not do it myself. I've tried and tried and it's not that I get disheartened or lose the general interest or desire to uphold a blog, it's more like I lose focus and give my time to other aspects in my life such as sleep, my boyfriend and spending time to myself out of work. But not no more, I shall juggle!

One of my many New Years resolutions is to make blogging a more frequent thing for me this year and I hope to actually bloody stick to it. I'm not going to make unrealistic goals such as blog everyday or everyday, more once a week to start off with and get into a routine. Another one of my resolutions is to become more organised and well planned so this would help with the whole thing so I can plan my blogging time more efficiently. I have also splurged and treated myself to a brand new iPad mini, no I haven't gotten into some money, I just saved up some moolah! So this iPad will be my saviour to fulfil my resolution of blogging more as it's quick and easy and I love being on it.

So here I go! This time I better not fail, If I do I'm giving up forever. Now or never.


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